Cloudia Chen
Cloudia Chen
Destination Photographer around the world
Portrait photographer for various local guide websites including Cool Cousins, city guide and online maps, as well as high-end hotels for board members
Photographer of Zurich Tourism Office
Writer, traveler, curator and content creator
Had solo photo exhibitions in Zurich, Switzerland 2016 and 2017
Award winner of Swiss Photo Club - 2018
Previously based in China, Hong Kong, London and the South of France, I have now settled in Zurich with my husband and daughter. I speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese (my mother tongue) and a little bit of French and German.
Life moves fast, and our lives are constantly changing. I love to capture the essence of some of these special times; the goose-bump moments full of love, the wild and silly moments full of giggles and laughter… all those moments you resolve to hold in your heart forever...
My goal is to help you vividly remember those moments for years to come.
My skill lies in being able to catch the subtle changes in expressions of my clients, their spontaneous reactions and their interactions.
I believe that everyone has 1,000 faces and it is my job to help you find your best one! I love my work because it relies on understanding my clients and catching character and their best sides.
Everyone can look great in photos, let’s make a start on yours!
A personal portrait project started in 2019 in Zurich. Cloudia Chen interviews one friend of her and take photographs each time. She hopes to bring out beauty and charm lies in women, using a storytelling approach to show women from different background, different cultural roots and belief.
A personal portrait project started in 2019 in Zurich. Cloudia Chen interviews one friend of her and take photographs each time. She hopes to bring out beauty and charm lies in women, using a storytelling approach to show women from different background, different cultural roots and belief.
I started this project in early 2019, hoping to photograph 100 female friends of mine.
Although they all live here in Zurich, they are from all over the world, from different background, different cultural roots and belief.
They not not just wives, mums, they are themselves, with their dreams, passion, goals in life. And they are all wonderful.
“I’ve never met a woman who is not strong. They don’t exist. ”
To all of my female friends in Zurich:Dream big, work hard, make it happen!
A future TCM in Zurich
Studied in Canada, lived in Zurich for a few years, WY is brave enough to change her career from an IT expert to Chinese medicine doctor 👩⚕️. In her eyes, i see confidence and happiness.
Be creative and make a better world
Alison works as a UX designer. I got to know her more than a year ago. She was so curious and so eager to learn the tips of living and working in Zurich. And I know Zurich treats her very well! She's now confident and even more streetwise. And this is what she says to the world: “I love learning new things and meeting new people. Moving to Zurich has definitely checked both these boxes.” She surprised me with her how-how and fast paced learning.I am happy that she enjoys life in Zurich! Bravo! Keep going! You rock!
Eloïse came to my studio two years ago. She impressed me with her pure smile and character. " I really like teens between 10-13, they are not completely mature, but have their independent thoughts and strong willingness to explore the world. I really enjoy teaching and spending time with them. " I saw twinkles in this 21 years old girl’s eyes when she said that.
Seeking common ground while reserving
Stella is definitely not the only mum I know who tries really hard to make work/life balance in Zurich, but apparently she's quite successful so far.
Co-founding a Mandarin speaking children opera/storytelling/performing group, establishing a Chinese facebook page which talks about hidden facets of life in Switzerland, column writer for a Swiss news agent, freelance German/Chinese translator, a mum of two who insists Taiwan dialect at home, etc. Stella, when I listed all of these, I am so proud of you!
Diseases are fearful, but human beings are unbeatable
WX travelled quite a lot around the world due to her academic career. Senior biologist and pharmaceutical scientist, Postdoc of University of Zurich, Researcher of ETH, Researcher of University of Genoa, Masters graduated from Nagasaki University, Japan...etc. She loves photography and hiking in her spare time. We got to know each other from a shared wechat photographer group. She asked me out for a drink and then we regret not having met earlier:) We met again lately, cause she will leave Switzerland for good in a month. It’s a mixed feeling on my side cause obviously I will miss her In Zurich. But seeing her get back to China for a new chapter makes me happy for her since it’s a great opportunity for her career. I know she will shine in immunology and contribute a lot to share the future of pharmaceutical science in China. I wish you all the best!
Building Bridges for Linguistic Gaps
"I love words, understanding other people's perspectives, and storytelling. I create stories, build bridges for linguistic gaps, and actually enjoy losing my way around town and country because it's so beautiful here." Other than a translator, Sabine is also fiction writer.
Expert in Education
A great woman with her passion in early education! “We should make it a better world for children. They are our future." Monika S. Just couldn’t stop working. Her passion and hard work make her feel happy and fulfilled. She’s so motivated in her great systems and methods to help children in better learning experience. First established Childrenfirst , now working on Fit4schools . I see her projects are growing. I also see the landscape of future education for children of expats & locals.
An engineer and a photographer
The first Yakut person i know in the world!
Other than her interesting cultural background and experience that shared with us, Evgenia is a full stack developer, engineer as well as a food photographer. Her works are fascinating and inspiring. She brings an artist’s eye and a chef’s perspective to every image she creates.
"Dare to be happy and free yourself from other people’s expectations of you. Work hard for your dreams and step out of your comfort zone once in a while." Do you know fashion? Do you how know to dress yourself well in fashion and do you know any professional shopper? No? You should meet my friend Melanie as she knows how, and she's one to help you with shopping and sorting out your wardrobe. And she's inspiring and creative:)
Ramya is a dear friend of mine. She did a PhD in geographic information science from university of Zurich(through her pragnency, and the early stage after giving birth, god knows how difficult it was!)
She began her entrepreneurial journey in 2017. With 10+ years of experience in data analytics and software and 4+ years of experience in insurance data analytics, she is passionate about building innovative solutions and exploring new technologies. She loves traveling, but, as the mother of 2 little clowns, she knows that safety comes first. As a skilled problem solver, Ramya is transferring her learnings of traveling safely to build a user-focused commercial solution. I still remember what she said during our interview , “Keep fighting, Cloudia!” Right, well said, Ramya. We both need to keep fighting. Women, keep fighting, for our dreams and passion!
Women recruiting business help women’ job searching
"Start to see recruiting as uncovering the precious gifts people have to offer and you’ll never have a boring interview again." said Johanna, a young lady originally from Germany. Through her business called "Diversify",she brings more women into the startup ecosystem because she believes that together (men and women)we build better products and companies. To achieve this goal, she helps companies to attract women and to improve their recruiting efforts. Check out how she recruits talented women, you may check out her
Woman, take your time and enjoy your journey!
I always almost forget that Miyeong is not Chinese since speaks so good Mandarin, until I heard her German and some bit of Korean. In fact, she's Korean with great talents of languages. She studied Chinese and worked in Shanghai before she moved to Zurich. At home she speaks German, Korea, Chinese with her husband- yes he, as a German/French person also speak(and read!!! Chinese, amazing~!) Now having a career break as she has more important focus in life. Talking about future plans, she often gave me a big smile. No rush, life will guide me step by step.
Protect our environment and try zero waste
Nowadays people like to live eco-friendly life, eat healthy, stay simple and waste less. Many are just thinking, some, just started doing what they believe.
Linda is one of them. She established a group in our circle called Zero Waste Zürich, then it started to grow bigger and bigger. She started to teach friends around how to reduce rubbish and waste less package. I am impressed by her passion and curious about how to balance the enjoyment of convenience from modern life and being eco and bio sustainably, till I met her for this project, "Zero Waste is about reducing your trash, either with finding a reusable alternative, being creative and doing something DIY, or realizing you don't really need it. I get inspired by Instagram, doing Bulk Tours in the city (teaching people to shop in the ZeroWaste stores) and trying out new recipes and ideas." If you are also interested...there you go.
Enjoy learning new things!
French/German translator, my dear language exchange friend who wants to learn Chinese mandarin! A beautiful visit short time stay in Taiwan motivates her to continue learning Chinese. We met to keep up our interests in practising each other's native language. Sophie is a fun and outgoing girl. Curious and respectful to Asian culture. It's kind of fun to hear Chinese from her, feel so familiar and yet not quite cause she has a cute french/Taiwanese assent. Enjoy learning and keep up your curiosity towards the world!
Use your talent, don’t waste it!
Women with beautiful face is often considered fragile and less ambitious about their career and more famous on family life. My dear friend Joanne is an exception. She handles well on both, and she’s very successful: She’s a shoe designer and co-founder of a luxurious fashion brand Roméo Rodin, along side of a full time job at a great swiss company. Very hard working, very passionate about what she likes, this is the impression I have for her. Ladies with a passion in fashion and shoe design, you should take a look at her award winning works 👠
I have the honor to be her photographer for some of the new design launch 😄. Now happily announce she’s in my #womeninzurichproject too!
Family matters’ chef editor and master…
People are her inspiration and motivation. Andrea’s been an educator for many years both in her Australian homeland and in Switzerland. She enjoys the exchange of ideas and knowledge which happens in a classroom, as well as the humour - when everyone is laughing, learning is more effective. Andrea loves hearing people’s stories; each one is unique and fascinating. At home, her two teens give her the energy and drive to do and learn new things. For 15 years, she’s been a coordinator /writer / editor at Family Matters Switzerland - a non-profit, volunteer-led, online resource for parents which shares information and stories in English... Her key words are respect, belief, optimism.🥰
Happy to be back!
Unlike the other expats who left Switzerland, Chloe returned to Zurich after two years being back home to Korea. When talking about her back and forth Swiss experience, she used her favorite drinks to give an example:
"It's like you are at the wine tasting course. There are two glasses of different wine in front of you. You taste the first one, get an idea. You go for the second one, have another idea. And here comes the important part - you come back to the first one, taste it. Surprisingly, you'll have quite a different opinion about it compared to your first experience. When I came back to Switzerland after living in Korea for 2 years, I felt I was tasting the same wine but got a different impression. And it was just wonderful."
Zurich is such a hub, people come and go, stay and leave. And beautiful stories happened.
Enjoy the happiness
“Think it, believe it, live it. Enjoy the happiness in life all around you, how you think affects what happens and how you live your life.”
Knew Toni for a few years, saw her changes, felt her happiness, noted her growth. Happy for her!
Ex-chair of IDCN
“I’m interested in people and have a passion for their stories.
Emphatic and patient listener, I help find solutions. Coach, leader, team player, I manage projects and get things done. Zurich is home. Italy, Spain and the USA, too. “ Said Lorella, a wonderful Italian lady i met through IDCN Zurich. Just in case you may not know, IDCN stands for The International Dual Career Network (IDCN). If you are looking for a job, you should check it out.
A great social worker
I’d tell you I have wonderful women around me! Here’s another example;)
“I came to Zürich because my partner found his dream job. Having been living abroad half of my life in several countries, I initially thought it would be a piece of cake to find a job. I realised however, I didn't want to work to earn a lot of money, especially not to satisfy shareholders and making compromises when it comes to my own standards of integrity. Instead I've chosen a complete different career.
I've studied pharmacy and worked many years as a marketing and sales manager, now I'm guiding foreign prisoners in Switzerland. I help them organise their finances, support them with education and we discuss how to create a better life. Although it is probably a drop in the ocean, working to make this world a better place is greatly empowering me.
Also I'm living my dream, writing about powerful women in history. Currently I'm working on a book about an alleged witch.”
I want to do sth for my country…
Elida is a special friend of mine. She’s special not only because of her Cultural background and her language skills, but also the things she’s doing and things she’s passionate about.
“I am doing the Phd in organizational studies and cultural theories at the University of St Gallen, the theme of my project is about how community organizations are organized to respond to the human right to water, and what socio-cultural, legal factors impact the management model. An issue that seems relevant to me especially because the rural sector is the one that suffers most from the lack of access to water.
My mother tongue, Guaraní, is a fundamental tool for my work, because in the rural sector in Paraguay that language is spoken.
On the other hand, I dedicate myself to give legal advice focused on migration law, and family law in Switzerland, I help especially the Spanish-speaking community that often for lack of command of local languages are vulnerable, as well as advice to NGOs in their organization, management, legal framework and fundraising.” Said Elida.
Happy mum
Julia is a happy mum! Originally from 🇩🇪, she settled here in Zurich with her googler a few years ago. From full time working to part time career 👩 +happy mum. Julia told me she’s very excited about the life changes. “At the moment i am focus on family and my lovely little one. I can get to to more and more office work later but the precise time of being a mum who witness every step of my child is not gona to come again. I really enjoy being with her.”
I just, cannot agree more;)😃
I believe that everyone has 1,000 faces and it is my job to help you find your best one! I love my work because it relies on understanding my clients and catching character and their best sides.
I believe that everyone has 1,000 faces and it is my job to help you find your best one! I love my work because it relies on understanding my clients and catching character and their best sides.
I like to capture the essence of some of these special times; the goose-bump moments full of love, the wild and silly moments full of giggles and laughter… all those moments you resolve to hold in your heart forever...
My goal is to help you vividly remember those moments for years to come.
My skill lies in being able to catch the subtle changes in expressions of the clients, their spontaneous reactions and their interactions.
Live to photograph
In my spare time, I also take landscape and cityscape photos.
Contact Me for commision works or prints
Live to photograph
In my spare time, I also take landscape and cityscape photos.
Contact Me for commision works or prints